Think Tank Trivia

No Cheating Policy

​1. No cell phones can be out at the table while game cards are in play. You may use your cell phones during intermissions and only when your game card has been turned in to your trivia host. 

2. No use of smart watches while game cards are in play. You may choose to not wear your smart watch on trivia night or just like your cell phones, please put them away! 

3. Do not leave your table while the game card is in play. This is to make sure teams are not sneaking away to google answers. There is time before, during intermissions, and after the game to move about the cabin. If you have to step away from the table to go outside or use the restroom, you cannot rejoin your team until the game card has been turned in. Any other circumstances, please see your trivia host. 

If the trivia host has warned you, you may continue to play, however your points will not count. Let's have a fun and fair game out there!!

Know Your Trivia Week of 9/9/24

TRIVIA TEAMS!! On your trivia night, your host will ask one question under our "Know Your Trivia" category in Round 5. The Know Your Trivia topic changes every week so log on to our website or check us out on Facebook! Study up to increase your chances of winning!! 


Besides it being the name of a famous rock band, a three dog night is a night so cold you would need three dogs in bed with you to keep warm. Many sources suggest that the origin is from the Australian outback where native Australian hunters huddled with their dogs for warmth on cold nights; the coldest being a three dog night.